Top 10 beautiful birds in the USA

The United States of America is home to a vast variety of bird species, ranging from colorful songbirds to majestic raptors. These birds add to the natural beauty of the American landscape and provide a wonderful sight for bird watchers and nature enthusiasts. In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 beautiful birds in the USA.

  1. Bald Eagle – The national bird of the USA is a symbol of freedom and strength. The bald eagle is one of the largest birds of prey in North America, with a wingspan that can reach up to 7 feet. It has a white head, dark brown body, and a yellow beak and feet. Bald eagles are found throughout the USA, from Alaska to Florida.
  2. American Goldfinch – The American goldfinch is a small, colorful bird that can be found throughout the USA. It has a bright yellow body with black wings and a black cap. The male’s colors become brighter during the breeding season. These birds are often seen in gardens and parks, and their sweet, tinkling song is a delight to hear.
  3. Northern Cardinal – The northern cardinal is a striking bird with a bright red body and black mask. The male’s colors are more vibrant than the female’s. These birds are common in the eastern half of the USA and can often be seen in backyards and gardens. They have a beautiful, melodious song that is easy to recognize.
  4. Blue Jay – The blue jay is a colorful bird with blue and white feathers and a distinctive crest on its head. These birds are common in the eastern half of the USA and are often seen in gardens and parks. They are known for their loud, raucous calls and their ability to imitate other bird calls.
  5. Baltimore Oriole – The Baltimore oriole is a brightly colored bird with a vibrant orange body and black wings. These birds are found in the eastern half of the USA and are often seen in trees and bushes. They have a beautiful, flute-like song that is a joy to hear.
  6. Wood Duck – The wood duck is a colorful bird with a glossy green head, white stripes on its face, and a colorful body. These ducks are found throughout the USA and are often seen in ponds and marshes. They are known for their beautiful, whistling call.
  7. Ruby-throated Hummingbird – The ruby-throated hummingbird is a small, colorful bird with iridescent green feathers and a bright red throat. These birds are found throughout the eastern half of the USA and are often seen hovering around flowers and feeders. They are known for their high-pitched, buzzing calls.
  8. American Kestrel – The American kestrel is a small, colorful falcon with rust-colored feathers on its back and wings, and a blue-gray head. These birds are found throughout the USA and are often seen hovering over fields and meadows. They have a distinctive call that sounds like “killy killy killy.”
  9. Red-tailed Hawk – The red-tailed hawk is a majestic bird of prey with a reddish-brown body, a pale breast, and a distinctive red tail. These birds are found throughout the USA and are often seen soaring high in the sky. They have a high-pitched, piercing scream that is unmistakable.
  10. Great Blue Heron – The great blue heron is a large, elegant bird with a gray-blue body, long legs, and a long, pointed bill. These birds are found throughout the USA and are often seen standing in shallow water, waiting for fish to swim by. They have a distinctive, croaking call that is easy to recognize.

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